Top Ten List. De-stressing during the holiday season

School assemblies, hockey tournaments, family gatherings, party feasts, gifts galore, crazy shopping, on top of your regular life and schedule? Add in a few sub degree temperatures and a pile of white stuff in Ontario and suddenly December can become pretty hectic and sometimes overwhelming! Here are ten ways to help you survive!

1. Plan ahead. Sticking to a timeline often helps keep stress in check. Plan out the next couple of weeks – write your events on a big calendar and the visual will help you to spread your movable items so they don’t land on the same day as your unmovable ones!

2. Keep your cool under pressure. Even with the best-laid plans, there comes a time in everyone’s holiday season when choosing the right gift, attending multiple parties and organizing family gatherings overwhelms the mind. Working on “staying cool” when the line ups are long and clock is ticking will help control your stress level.

3. Balance - bring your highs down and your lows up. Have you experienced the holiday blues? I did, many years ago – not a fun experience. For some people, the holidays stir up emotional memories from the past. Although it’s easier said than done, try to focus on what’s positive in your current life. Maybe it’s your health, your friends, or your job. Holiday blues can stimulate a person to eat more, resulting in weight gain and often illness.

4. Look your best. When you look good, you feel good too. Again, easier said than done when you are cramming 100 things into your schedule, but this is SO TRUE! Take five extra minutes to add some extra curl in your hair. Men, wear the cologne to work that you usually only wear for special dinner parties. Exercise a little each day. Overdress…..or maybe under dress depending on the setting! In a nutshell, feel good about yourself!

5. Change up your Regular Coffee for Decaf. There’s a time and a place for decaf, and the hectic holiday season may be it! Not a big fan of decaf? Why not switch from Tea to Coffee for the rest of December? Never been a tea fan? Read my earlier blog about trying something new!

6. Don’t get wrapped in worries. Try to chill and keep talking to yourself. Not in a weird out loud way that might make the neighbours question your sanity, but at the beginning of each day, (and a few times throughout) take a minute to tell yourself that today is a good day with lots of potential!

7. Create a relaxed holiday environment at work. Bring some holiday cheer to the office or store! Bring some great aromas such at fresh evergreen, or chocolate and peppermint to evoke warm and happy feelings for you and your customers! Snacks work too! Fresh sugar cookies, Candy Canes, Hot Apple Cider or whatever is your favourite treat that you usually only have around the season! I love mixed nuts, and chocolates!

8. Remember, ‘tis the season to be jolly. I’m working hard this season to practice this. No bah humbug or let’s get it over with. Embrace each day, enjoy the bigger picture, and fill your days with happiness! (See, don’t I sound jolly?)

9. Get more rest. Stress builds when you’re tired and it’s easy to overextend yourself while you are trying to fit everything in. Move the bedtime clock back ½ hr and you’ll gain a little bit more down time.

10. Watch at least one classic holiday special. I am a non TV watcher in a household of TV fanatics. But a good holiday classic is a great way to de-stress! Maybe I should make a top ten list of holiday classics!! The Peanuts (Snoopy and the gang) are great, so is A Christmas Story, (come on – he stuck his tongue on the pole!!). My very favourite is The Sound of Music. What is your favourite holiday classic? Have you taken the time to watch it yet?

There you have it!
Hope your holiday season is worry free and filled with joy, smiles, aroma, excitement, friends, food, and fun.
