20 Things To Do This Summer

Recently I entertained my fourteen year old son and two of his best friends during a “beginning of summer–ending of hockey season” trip to the trailer in Prince Edward County on West Lake, near The Sandbanks Provincial Park.  This beautiful area is rich with summer activity and was a great starting point to kick off the best time is a teenager’s life – SUMMER!  So as a tribute to Riley, Elijah and M.J. here is a list of 20 things we as adults, can add to our “TO DO” list this summer, that we likely did as teenagers:

  1. Hang with your friends
  2. Build a giant campfire and eat 15 marshmallows (preferably in a fire pit)
  3. Shop at your local thrift store,who knows what you might find
  4. Eat pizza 4 days in a row
  5. Boycott socks
  6. Bike race (wear a helmet!)
  7. Run down a sand hill or have a race at the beach
  8. Listen to some inappropriate music
  9. If in Campbellford, eat one dozen cream filled donuts, followed by chocolate and a trip to Empire Cheese.
  10. Wear sunscreen, without being threatened by your mother
  11. Do something daring (but not dangerous)
  12. Eat candy without feeling guilty, (try pixy stix shooters!)
  13. Catch a fish, clean it, eat it, all before lunch
  14. Eat an entire basket of shelling peas
  15. Pick or buy strawberries and eat them all before you get home
  16. Play your music so loud that you can feel it in your throat (caution may cause hearing loss)
  17. If visiting Picton Ontario, eat a "dog of the day" at Buddha Dog
  18. Have a water gun fight
  19. Stay up until 2 a.m.
  20. Sleep in until 2 p.m. 
Enjoy every day because before we know it, summer will be over!
Barb Bruce - myradius.ca