Take Time to Play

Have you ever thought about getting a tattoo?
Five of my college girlfriends did, just before graduation many years ago. Unfortunately, they didn’t think their timing through very well, as we were modeling in a college fashion show the following weekend. A summer clothing line, bathing suits, with their tattoos exposed to the world (and to their parents!). I remember laughing so hard watching them walking down the runway toward their mom, dad and grandparents. My room-mates father was a minister and quite conservative. She however, not so much! The expressions were priceless!

Ah to play! That’s the entire premise of most children under the age of 10.  Recess – Play. After School – Play. Before Bed – Play. It’s just built in to their routine. So why do we lose that sense
 of play as our lives progress? Why so often do we stop fitting “Play” in. Recent studies have shown that adding play time into your schedule pays off with big benefits for your health, your mood and most importantly adds balance to a lopsided work/play teeter totter. Play doesn't have to be physical.  Play can be as simple as a mental release from your work regime.
So, this exercise is easy. Take some time this month and…..play! That’s the entire inspiring, uplifting, message……


The only thing you need to do is allow yourself to participate. Try it, what’s the worst that could happen?
For those of you that still think their plate is too full to find time to play, here are some simple ideas for starters.

1. Remember what you used to love to do? Start doing it again. I loved to play basketball, so last year I started shooting hoops at an outdoor court twice a week for 15 minutes. (That’s all the time I had to play). I had forgotten how much I loved it!
2. Be free for one hour. Socialize, Cook, Blast your tunes (my favorite). Meet a friend (or 5) for coffee. Allow yourself one hour of nothing but social fun, free from thoughts of work, worries, or agendas.
3. Walk (or run) outside and look around in every direction. Studies show an unlimited number of benefits from physical exercise. Maybe it’s just a walk to the corner store. Nothing makes me feel better than an outdoor walk on a blue sky day. When you look up, it can make your list of possibilities feel endless.
4. Laugh! Laughing is definitely a mental and physical form of play, and it’s quick and spontaneous. I’m not witty but I have a couple of friends that are experts! Laugh whenever you can with whomever you can! Wit does wonders.
5. Smile. I suppose if you go around laughing all the time people may think you’ve lost it. Smiling on the other hand is contagious. Give yourself 3 reasons to pause from your work and smile every day. Actually come up with 3 positive thoughts and stick them away for when you need them. I have come up with at least 3 great reasons to smile. (nope, not sharing)

I’ve thought about getting a tattoo now and again but my analytical brain always pushes aside my creative thinking.  I don’t know if I’ll ever be brave enough to get one. I’m afraid my idea of what I would want it to say would keep changing! Hey - maybe if I get a QR code tattoo, I can keep changing the redirectible message! (next blog). My college girlfriends are visiting this weekend. I’ll have to ask them about their tattoo decision and how they feel about it 20 years later.

For this week however my tattoo would read: Each day’s a gift - take time to Play!

Check in next week and I will tell you if it’s changed!

Wishing you extra play time this spring!
Barb Bruce service@myradius.ca

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! (and Jill a dull girl)
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