Knock the Socks Off Your Customers

Are you looking for a proven method to kill your repeat business?
Provide a consistent level of mediocre customer service. 
Looking for a second way?
Provide an inconsistent level of customer service, referred to by the customer as “hit and miss” service.

Is Customer Service the top priority of your business? If not, I recommend
you move it to the top of the priority list NOW before it’s too late! I’m not asking if you are aware of its importance or if your staff are courteous. I mean TOP OF LIST, TOP OF MIND, OF EVERY MINUTE, OF EVERY DAY, IN EVERY VENUE.
(Yes I think I just shouted that – sorry).
Here’s the deal. You can market your business in every known way, Online, Social Media, Radio, Print, Direct Mail, Hyperlocal, Blogs, Tweets, Blue Gorilla Holding a Sign, and you may increase traffic.  But if you don’t impress them once they arrive you may never see them again, and your ROI will be DOA.
Why not aim for “Knock Their Socks off Service”?

What is Knock Their Socks Off Service?

My son broke his wrist. He was so excited about the cast coming off that he renamed the evening before “Cast Come Off Eve”. At 8 a.m. Friday morning we arrived at the cast clinic on the 3rd floor of the hospital. It was in darkness. A woman popped around from the back as asked if she could help. A few minutes later she confirmed my hunch, we’d arrived on the wrong day. The appointment was the day before and we had missed it. We also did not bring our appointment slip with all of the pertinent info to the cast removal. The technologist tried her best to find the info in the computer. She also made numerous phone calls to track down the Doctor with no luck. She was on call in the clinic for the day, and said if the information came through she would be happy to have him “cast free” for the weekend. We left the clinic. Matt was disappointed but we talked about how nice the technologist was, and how she had done her best to help us.
We were just about to cross the street to the parking lot when in the distance we heard someone yelling “Matthew…..Matthew…..” We turned to see the technologist running toward us, file in hand. “I’ve got it, I have your information, everything is here…if you’d like I can look after this right now” she said. My son was smiling ear to ear! 15 minutes later, Matthew was cast free and had a new best friend.

Matt went to school and told his whole class the story about the technologist and how she helped him. I told all my friends how well we were treated! Later, his friends’ parents asked me about his adventure after they were told the story from their children. Repeat customers? Ha, only if we break something! Word of mouth PR for the cast clinic inside the hospital and the great job they do? Absolutely.

Word of mouth can be both beneficial or damaging.
You tell your friend you are thinking about trying a new restaurant in town.
They tell you they've been there and the service was slow and they weren't that friendly.
You change your mind and don’t go.
Another friend tells you they're thinking about trying the new restaurant in town.
You tell then you heard bad things about their service.
That friend changes their mind and doesn’t go.
And the chain grows, and the word spreads.

People are fast to spread the word about what they don’t like, but will not spread the word about mediocrity. You need to Knock Their Socks Off for them to spread the word about a great experience!

Proceed with Caution: There is a fine line between "Knock Their Socks Off Service" and "Scare Their Pants Off Service". Find the right balance with each individual customer. The customer needs to feel comfortable and satisfied with the amount of service that you have provided to them, so when they leave, purchase or not, they will be sure to return again.

Want to help improve customer service levels in your organization? It can't be accomplished without encouragement, empowerment, and training!  Not every business owner is a social butterfly, but that does not negate them, from recognizing its importance to business.  If you have the wrong personality to present positive customer service training to your staff, then have someone else communicate the message for you, but stand behind the message at all times. 
Remember - Without Customers you are OUT OF BUSINESS!

Wishing you many customers leaving without socks!
Barb Bruce -